Veronika Szabó

    • Veronika Szabó
      Afterschool/Preschool Program Manager - Gárdonyi School and Pitypang Preschool

      Veronika Szabó

      Afterschool/Preschool Program Manager - Gárdonyi School and Pitypang Preschool

      I was born and raised in the USA and moved to Hungary after completing my bachelor’s degree at Rutgers University. In Budapest I taught English and French at Lauder Javne School and I have also taught English as a Second Language in several schools and language schools, most recently in the South of France.

      I learned English in preschool through the very same immersion methodology that we use here in the Boys and Girls Club program, and I can safely say that it set me up for success. Since my introduction to language learning I have added two more, making me a polyglot!

      It is my absolute pleasure to join the BGC team as the new coordinator for Pitypang Tagóvoda and Gárdonyi Géza Primary School!